Experience is not what happens to you;
it's what you do with what happens to you.
Aldous Huxley
“For me, every transmission is slightly different, but I always feel the depth at which the energy works inside me. I have always gained from this experience exactly what was most important for me at the given moment – whether I was aware of it or not. What I came to notice time and again is that I feel much more relaxed after a transmission, in every cell of my body, I feel a softness deep inside me, and the process continues for some time, at least during the night. As if I were letting the transformation of my limitations speed up, namely patterns, thoughts, emotions, perspectives... these are then brought to my awareness and overcome more easily, also in everyday situations.”
Andreja Cepuš
“Because of you... I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more. Thank you for having shown me the way and lighting it up with little stars.”
“Group energy transmission. For the first time in my life, I am somewhere where only I can BE. I am simply accepted, loved, safe and I know everything is and will be okay... Most importantly, I feel that I can surrender and accept. And, for all of this, nobody asks for anything in return from me. Anything.”
Bernarda Topolnik
“Dear Urška, thank you for being you and for following your mission. It was after the fifth energy transmission that I came to realise why I had not respected and loved myself enough and why I had felt so worthless … I could go on and on listing bad things about me. I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart.”
Katarina Platiša
»Nikola Tesla wrote in his book already in 1915 how cosmic forces create our fate. This man brought to the mankind many useful solutions about the use of fields, waves, streams, gravity, wireless transmission of energy, electricity ... the universe. I am aware of the magnificence of the universe and its scientifically limited revelation. That’s why I suggested a collaboration to Urška, who told me, she wants to spread her work and that she only needs an opportunity. In our cooperation we connect the economic data and the goals set with energetic support to the company . That gives us a broader insight and personal energy for further common steps towards the higher good of everybody and of our planet.«
Janko Lah
Agora»Urska helps me to heal difficult situations with my son, but at the same time she helps me achieve balance and energetic fluidity, which changes and heals my perspective to myself and to the world. I experienced her therapies very intensive. Her messages are touching the essence and the lost confidence, strength and courage are recovered. It happened several times that after her intervention, my critical situation changed suddenly and specific complications were resolved. Her help was always as a bridge across the chasm on my way … on the way to the inner freedom and peace.«
Rahela Žabkar
»I took several individual distant or face to face sessions with Urška. I always felt extremely high and pure vibrations that opened untouchable fields of my consciousness and helped me to release, to overcome and to heal many challenges. This consciousness is connected with the source and brings in the body all what we need for our soul and cellular healing. Urška is a pure medium for healing and connection to the soul.«