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The highest reward for a person's toil is not
what they get for it, but what they become by it.

John Ruskin

PERSONAL  ENERGY TRANSMISSION (60–90 min)                                                ………… € 70

E-TRANSMISSION (audio-recording of transmission)                                              …………. € 44

I perform a personal transmission and send you an e-transmmission after payment has been made to the bank account of the company Ekvilibrium, Urška Henigman s.p..

Company data:
EKVILIBRIUM, Urška Henigman s.p.
Ciglerjeva ulica 10 a
1294 Višnja Gora
SI – Slovenia

Tax no.: 28007204 (not a VAT-taxable person)


SI56 6100 0001 5185 988 (Delavska hranilnica d.d.)



Note: Prices apply as of 1 January 2018.